Concordia: One Photo A Day – June 7th

Dick Butler (DB) has test flown Concordia and is delighted with the ship’s handling. In June and July, Dick will be busy flight testing, tuning the glider, and practicing for this summer’s WGC in Uvalde, TX. He has limited time to provide updates; however, the Café will post an occasional photo as flight testing proceeds. … Read more

More Concordia Videos

We hope you enjoy these higher resolution videos of Concordia’s first and second takeoff and landing. The videos were recorded by Soaring Café Publishing Editor Bill Elliott, who used a camcorder generously loaned to us for the occasion by Jackie Perry. Thanks Jackie!

Concordia First Flight Video – and More Photos!

Here’s a video of Concordia’s first test flight on May 25, 2012. We’ve also included several photos that didn’t make it into our May 25th post. We apologize for the quality of the in-flight photos, which were extracted from a video taken from the tow plane. As anyone who’s tried air-to-air photography knows all too … Read more

Dick Butler Makes First Flight in Concordia!

We are delighted to report that on Friday, May 25, 2012, at approximately 9:00 AM CDT, Dick Butler successfully completed the first test flight of Concordia. With his wife Sarah running the wing, DB launched from runway 18 at William Northern Field in Tullahoma, Tennessee and made a short tow to verify that the controls … Read more